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What is the main reason traders struggle to learn?

Trading as a profession is in and of itself a fairly lonely endeavor; it's you, your news feeds and your charts. As such, it also often falls entirely on your shoulders to learn and reach a solid level of competence, also oftentimes, without guidance and without a team you can work with. Educating yourself (in any field, really) without the proper guidance, structure and support contributes to many traders either taking an unnecessarily long path to conscious competence.. or worst, never getting there at all.

The Trading Mentor gives you that guidance and that support, and plots the course to your destination with clarity and efficiency. No shortcuts; there really are none to learning a new career... but no dead ends, misleading alleys nor walking in circles either.  Our educational program will cut years off of your learning curve and provide you with a friendly and supportive environment in which to learn, grow and thrive.